Seed Funding Grant
ASBHM are excited to announce the second round of the ASBHM Collaboration Seed Funding Grant.
The grant serves to foster new multi-disciplinary and cross-institutional collaborations between ASBHM members of all levels of experience (from students and ECRs to senior academics and beyond) to complete research projects that further ASBHM’s goals. Projects can align broadly within any aspect of health psychology and/or behavioural medicine and can feature any stage of the research journey (e.g., field work, pilot research, applied/intervention research, basic/foundational research).
2024 Grant – Dr Kerrie Clover, Calvary Mater Newcastle: A pilot RCT to investigate the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of randomising participants to different exercise reminder schedules (pre-determined schedule vs choice of schedule) following breast cancer surgery: The eREMIND study
2023 Grant – Dr Rachael Dodd, University of Sydney: Informed Choice for Lung Cancer Screening
Key Information:
Amount: Up to AUD$10, 000
Application Portal Opens: 24th June 2024
Application Portal Closes: 24th August 2024 (extended!)
Decision Announced: Early October 2024
Funds Available: January 2025
Duration of Funding: Up to 24 months

- A new team of at least 3 researchers from at least two different organisations and at least two different research/practice focus (e.g., oncology and policy) – A new team is defined as a group of researchers/clinicians that have not previously collaborated or worked together on scientific research. No members of the team, apart from with current students (e.g., Honours, PhD, Masters), should have collaborated previously.
- All listed researchers must be current ASBHM members from a range of experience levels (including at least one student or ECR)
- Lead investigator cannot currently be receiving a Category 1 grant (e.g., ARC, NHMRC) or be a student (e.g., Masters, PhD)
- Projects must further ASBHM’s strategic goals as outlined on the ASBHM website
- Teams can apply for a grant up to AUD$10,000 to cover costs such as: consumables, participant reimbursement, travel costs to rural settings, and personnel
Assessment Criteria:
Each application will be assessed by two dependent reviewers with no conflicts of interest with the research team. There are four equally-weighted key assessment criteria for the ASBHM Collaboration Seed Funding Grant:
1. Significance and innovation (25%)
– Protocol contributes clearly and significantly to a substantial problem in the field of behavioural medicine and/or health psychology.
– Protocol outlines research methods and design that are suitable to answer the research problem/question.
– Protocol demonstrates novelty and innovation.
2. Investigator team (25%)
– Investigator team, relative to seniority and opportunity, has the necessary capacity and expertise to undertake the proposed project.
– Investigator team research track record, relative to seniority and opportunity, demonstrates strong research outputs and future capacity.
– Clear opportunities for senior team members to support the inclusion and mentoring of junior members.
– Collaboration between institutions is meaningful.
3. Feasibility and commitment (25%)
– The protocol outlines a project that id accomplishable within 12-24 months, and within budget.
– The protocol outlines achievable and measurable outputs.
– The protocol outlines the teams’ commitment to the problem, both currently and in future investigations and collaborations.
4. Benefits, impact, and alignment (25%)
– There is a clear benefit to research, industry, policy or community.
– The benefits of the project align with, and further, ASBHM’s overall goals.