ASBHM 2023
Hybrid – in person at Geelong and online
Wednesday February 8th – Friday February 10th 2023 • Deakin Waurn Ponds, Geelong + online options
The aim of the conference is to expand our understanding of health psychology and behavioural medicine through innovative and translational research. The ASBHM 2023 conference will host two internationally known keynote speakers who will deliver presentations on vital matters in behavioural health and medicine. The conference also has a number of master speakers and invited symposia. In addition, we will host a number of innovative presentations (both standard and rapid), and workshops, as well as an insightful debate. Our annual meetings are well attended and are of a high quality, attracting a diverse range of audience members and speakers from around Australia, New Zealand, and internationally. Each speaker addresses delegates with a topic and a vision related to their unique expertise and experience in the behavioural medicine field.
The conference will be a hybrid conference. In-person attendance and presentation will take place at Deakin University in Waurn Ponds, Geelong. Online attendance and presentation will take place via Zoom. For those attending in-person, please see the COVID-19 information page for more details on certain requirements.
We are have an exciting program for the 2023 conference. For information about our keynotes, master lecturers, workshops, and oral presentations check the current version of the conference program.
Keynote speakers
We are very excited to announce our two keynote speakers at the 2023 conference below!
Professor Urs Nater

Working title: The healing power of music – Is music beneficial for our health?
Bio: Urs Nater is a Full Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Vienna. His research focuses on identifying the underlying mechanisms that translate stress into illness ( He is the Director of the Biochemical Lab and of the Music & Health Lab at the Faculty of Psychology and currently serves as Head of the Institute of Clinical and Health Psychology, as well as Speaker of University Research Platform “The Stress of Life”. He is Past-President of the International Society of Behavioral Medicine (2021-2023), Vice-President of the World Association for Stress and Anxiety-related Disorders, and serves as Associate Editor-in-Chief of Stress – the International Journal on the Biology of Stress. His work has received numerous distinctions as well as funding from national and international agencies.
Professor Jane Speight

Working title: Improving the health and well-being of people with diabetes: Walking the walk or talking the talk?
Bio: Jane is the Foundation Director of the Australian Centre for Behavioural Research in Diabetes (ACBRD), established in 2010 as a partnership for better health between Diabetes Victoria and Deakin University. She has a PhD in health psychology from Royal Holloway, University of London, is a chartered psychologist, a Fellow of the British Psychological Society and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine. Jane has published 200+ articles in peer-reviewed journals. Jane leads a large and varied program of research in Australia, and has established international collaborations, through which she aims to improve the quality of life and self-care of people with diabetes, and encourage healthcare professionals to better understand the impact of diabetes and its management from the individual’s perspective. She has a particular interest in understanding and reducing diabetes stigma and improving communications with and about people with diabetes.