The Australasian Society for Behavioural Health and Medicine (ASBHM) is a volunteer-run organisation. It is established as one of the national societies constituting the International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM). “Behavioural health and medicine” is defined as “the interdisciplinary field concerned with the development and integration of psychosocial, behavioural and biomedical science knowledge and techniques relevant to health and illness and the application of this knowledge and these techniques to prevention, etiology, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation” (Charter of the ISBM, 1990). The scope of behavioural health and medicine extends from research efforts to understand basic brain-body mechanism interactions; explorations of clinical diagnoses, the development, conduct and evaluation of interventions; to undertaking public health disease-prevention and health-promotion strategies. The ASBHM supports this definition, and aims to serve the needs of all health-related disciplines concerned with the integration of behavioural and biomedical sciences.
Primary Goals
- Develop and maintain liaison with the ISBM and with collaborating professional organisations.
- Encourage and co-ordinate communication among professionals and academics in health-related disciplines, including behavioural and biomedical science researchers and clinicians, without regard to specific discipline loyalties.
- Stimulate research, clinical, preventive and training activities through formal meetings and the promotion of collaborative undertakings.
- Develop guidelines for the implementation of behavioural medicine training and research activities at various levels.
- Serve as information resource for clinicians and academics with an interest in behavioural health and medicine, by facilitating access to scientific and professional journals and computerised information systems, and by the organisation of scientific meetings.
- Organise an annual national conference, providing opportunities for exchange of scientific information, professional views, and debates.

The ASBHM functions as a national society, as well as the society that represents ISBM in Australasia. Individuals specialising in any field of behavioural health and medicine, broadly defined, and who support the aims of the ASBHM, shall be eligible to become members of the ASBHM.

The ASBHM functions as a national society, as well as the society that represents ISBM in Australasia. Individuals specialising in any field of behavioural health and medicine, broadly defined, and who support the aims of the ASBHM, shall be eligible to become members of the ASBHM.
Executive Committee
Office Bearers
Dr Caitlin Liddelow (University of Wollongong) @caitlinliddelow
Dr Anna Serlachius (University of Auckland) @SerlachiusAnna
Dr Chris Kilby (Cairnmillar Institute) @DrChrisKilby
Mr Nicholas Browning (Griffith University)
Membership Officer
Dr Ashlee Turner (University of Sydney) @ash_turner01
A/Prof Carina Chan (La Trobe University)
Peers Connect
Dr Caitlin Fehily (University of Newcastle) @CaitlinFehily
Ms Sabryna Sas (Griffith University) @SasSabryna
Web Editor
Ms Denise Girdlestone (University of Southern Queensland)
Professor Kerry Sherman (Macquarie University)
Dr Jessica Charlesworth (Curtin University)
A/Prof Kate Faasse (University of New South Wales)
Dr Jacquie Mills (Deakin University)
Dr Emily Brindal (CSIRO)
Dr Katrina Champion (University of Sydney)
Dr Chloe Maxwell-Smith (Curtin University)
Dr Naomi Kakoschke (CSIRO)
Dr Rebecca Hodder (University of Newcastle)